
We are committed to supporting and collaborating with our community partners to strengthen the CYMH sector across all our service areas.

At Kinark Child and Family Services, our team of child and youth mental health experts provide evidence-based services for children and youth with complex mental health needs, and their families. A full range of assessment and treatment services are provided by inter-disciplinary teams of clinicians. Kinark also serves as the Lead Agency for child and youth mental health services in three distinct service areas, supporting the coordination of service delivery across community partners.

Lead Agencies were appointed by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) as part of the Roadmap to Wellness and are tasked with moving this system-building work forward for children, youth and families. Kinark Child & Family Services is the Lead Agency for the York, Durham, and Haliburton/Kawartha Lakes/Peterborough service areas.


Over the course of engagements to renew and develop the multiyear service plans in 2023/24, four main areas of opportunity were identified as critical to enabling a more effective system of mental health and addictions care for children, youth and families:

  1. Streamline navigation, access and service coordination to improve client and caregiver experience.
  2. Mitigate health human resource challenges to build and maintain sector capacity.
  3. Strengthen partnerships and quality improvement processes to promote effective planning and evaluation.
  4. Target improvement for population-specific needs.

We are committed to supporting and collaborating with our community partners to strengthen the CYMH sector across all our service areas. Our work as Lead Agency is in collaboration with 15 Core Service Providers across three service areas.

Durham Core Service Providers:

Haliburton/Kawartha Lakes/Peterborough Core Service Providers:

York Core Service Providers:

As Lead Agency in three service areas, we are fortunate to be able to reflect on the unique differences in each of the communities, but also to be able to bring alignment to the overall priorities in a way that we can create a more coordinate system overall. This further enables the ability to share resources, learn, and collaborate, resulting in a more cohesive experience across regions for kids and families.

At the provincial level, senior leaders of Ontario’s Lead Agencies work together in a Lead Agency Consortium to coordinate efforts, advocate on behalf of Ontario’s CYMH service system, and collaborate with other service sectors to implement the Roadmap to Wellness and related system-transformation work.

The Lead Agency Consortium is committed to the goal of continually improving child and youth mental health and addiction services in Ontario so that children and youth and their families receive the right services for their unique needs at the right time and in the right place.

To read the Lead Agency Consortium Provincial Priorities Report, please click here.

To learn more about Kinark’s Community-based Mental Health Services, please click here.